I’m a researcher in the field of semiotics, the discipline that studies the construction of meaning in verbal and other languages, perception, and cognition. Since my first academic steps, I have been integrating semio-linguistic epistemology with the tools of media studies, of media aesthetics, and of philosophy of language in order to build original methodologies for the analysis of a variety of media objects.
In my master’s thesis work, I put the semiotic approach into dialogue with game studies in order to analyze a corpus of video games through a renewed idea of interactivity, based on the concept of movement.
In my PhD thesis, I worked on the construction of a semiotic theory of media that could correlate the purely semantic meaning of discourses, stemming from their internal composition, with the media and channels of diffusion that regulate their social life through differentiated circulations and appropriations by communities. I then analyzed a corpus of inter-mediatic montages: audiovisual productions that use various media (photography and video), various image formats (high and low definition, cartoon and photographic video), and different genres (documentary and fiction) in order to build particular persuasive effects. Since the beginning of my Marie Curie postdoc, I have been dedicated to the analysis of identity-related images on social networks and to the construction of rhetorical strategies, carried out exclusively by means of visual languages, that enable critical and effective visual narrations of the self, thereby recovering and subverting the artistic tradition associated with portraiture.
My research interests are therefore related to media semiotics, and in particular to the semantic, pragmatic, and social functioning of visual media, with: 1) theoretical contributions studying the particularities of the visual and audiovisual languages of photography, video, interactive media, and images on social networks; and 2) analytical contributions applied to corpora of photographic images, intermedial and archival video montages, identity images on social networks, and interactive and immersive discourses.
I have published contributions in scientific journals and book chapters belonging to different disciplinary fields: 1) semiotics (Semiotica, Versus, Signata, LEXIA, Carte Semiotiche); 2) media and communication studies (Visual communication, Comunicazioni Sociali, Médiation Et Information); 3) aesthetics (Rivista di Estetica, Fata Morgana); and 4) philosophy of language (Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Springer’s “Perspectives in Pragmatics” series).
Scientific production
- D’Armenio, E., Mondi paralleli. Ripensare l’interattività nei videogiochi, Unicopli, Milano, 2014.
Book chapters
- D’Armenio, E., “Identity and Social Networks : A Dramaturgy of the Face in Digital Environments”, The Artificial Face : The Meanings of the Visage in the Digital Era, Leone, M. (éd.), Routledge/FACETS Advances in Face Studies, London and New York, in press, 2023.
- D’Armenio, E., “Les influenceurs et l’économie des identités dans les réseaux sociaux”, Médiations visibles et invisibles. Essais critiques sur les dispositifs médiatiques contemporains, Badir, S. and Servais, C. (Eds.), Academia-L’Harmattan, “Extensions sémiotiques”, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2021, pp. 33-70.
- D’Armenio, E., “L’économie de l’influence dans les réseaux sociaux en ligne”, Créativité sémiotique et institutions du sens, Basso Fossali, P. (Ed.), Pulim, Limoges, 2021, pp. 307- 322.
- D’Armenio E. and Dondero M.G., “La photographie numérique à l’époque des réseaux sociaux : pour une approche quali-quantitative”, Les sociabilités numériques, Ablali, D. and Bertin E. (Eds.), Academia-L’Harmattan, Louvain-La-Neuve, 2021, pp. 59-79.
- D’Armenio E., “Intermedial editing in the representations of places of origin », Visual and Linguistic Representations of Places of Origin. An Interdisciplinary Analysis, Pozzato, M.P. (eEd.), Springer International Publishing, Cham (Zoug), 2018, pp. 19-48.
Peer-reviewed papers
- D’Armenio, E., « La dimension médiatique des images. La sémiotique visuelle à la lumière du travail artistique de Gerhard Richter », Tópicos del Seminario, à paraître, 2023 (voir attestation). This article will be translated into Spanish by the journal’s editorial board before being published.
- D’Armenio, E., “Beyond Interactivity and Immersion. A Kinetic Reconceptualization for Virtual Reality and Video Games” (accepted), New Techno Humanities, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techum.2022.04.003
- D’Armenio, E., “The Mediatic Dimension of Images. Visual Semiotics Faced With Gerhard Richter’s Artwork” (accepted), Visual communication, https://hdl.handle.net/2268/267013
- D’Armenio, E. “The Rhetorical Dimension of Images: Identity Building and Management on Social Networks” (accepted), Semiotica, Issue 246, pp. 87-115. https://hdl.handle.net/2268/267012
- D’Armenio, E., “Archives numériques et langages audiovisuels. Une épistémologie des formats techniques” Signata — Annales des Sémiotiques, 2021. URL: https://doi.org/10.4000/signata.3025
- D’Armenio, E. “La gestione digitale del sé: Immagini e prestazioni identitarie sui social network”, Lexia, 37-38, pp. 305-324, 2020.
- D’Armenio, E., “Dai sensi ai dati. Le protesi audiovisive tra percezione ed enunciazione”, Ocula — Occhio semiotico sui media, 2019, 21, pp. 21-37.
- D’Armenio, E., “Limiti e articolazione del montaggio. Una ricognizione semiotica”, Carte Semiotiche Annali, 2019, 5, pp. 60-70.
- D’Armenio, E., “L’audiovisuel face au numérique : les gestes sémiotiques autour des prothèses, des dispositifs et des archives”, MEI – Médiation Et Information, 2019, n.47, pp. 51-61. URL: https://mei-info.com/en/revue/47/69/audiovisual-media-facing-digital-technology-semiotic-gestures-around-prostheses-devices-and-archives/
- D’Armenio, E., “Shining o i media come tecnologie della chiarezza”, Fata Morgana, 2018, n.33, pp. 279-286.
- D’Armenio, E., “De l’effet d’archive à l’effet de sens: la théorie de l’énonciation à l’épreuve de la médialité”, Interin,2018, v. 23, n.1, pp. 108-126. URL: http://seer.utp.br/index.php/i/article/view/611/pdf
- D’Armenio, E., “From audiovisual to intermedial editing. Film experience and enunciation put to the test of technical formats”, Versus Quaderni di studi semiotici, 2017, n. 124, pp. 59-74.
- D’Armenio, E., “La dimension technique de l’Encyclopédie. Pour une syntaxe générale de l’énonciation”, Actes Sémiotiques [En ligne], 2017. URL: http://epublications.unilim.fr/revues/as/5869
- D’Armenio, E., “Percezioni di genere nelle esperienze di significazione. Appunti per una retorica intermediale”, Rivista di Estetica, 2016 vol. 3, n. 63, pp. 161-177. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/estetica/1318
- D’Armenio, E., “Il dibattito semiotico sulla fotografia oltre il cinema. Appunti per una retorica intermediale”, Comunicazioni Sociali, 2016, vol. 1, pp. 33-45.
- D’Armenio, E. and Nardelli, G., “Rappresentazione diagrammatica ed effetti di realtà. Il mapping tra arte e visualizzazione”, Carte Semiotiche, 2014, n. 15, pp. 71-85.
Conference proceedings
- D’Armenio, E. and Dondero, M.G., « L’exploration des villes : les médiatisations visuelles entre mouvement et temporalité », Come cambia il senso del luogo, Conference proceedings of the International Conference of the Fédération Romane de Sémiotique, pp. 235-246, 2021.
- D’Armenio, E., “Le format technique des images: la sémiotique visuelle à la lumière des modes d’existence de Bruno Latour”, Le structuralisme en question,Conference proceedings of the French Association for Semiotics 2017, 2019, pp. 559-569. URL: http://afsemio.fr/wp-content/uploads/AFS_Actes.2017.pdf
- D’Armenio, E., “La finzione tra regimi di credenza e dispositivi di rappresentazione. Alcune considerazioni sul cinema di Ari Folman”, E|C Rivista on-line dell’Associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici, 2017. URL: http://www.ec-aiss.it/atti/1_narrazione_e_realta.php
- D’Armenio, E., “L’enunciazione audiovisiva tra pratica scientifica e visualizzazione artistica: il caso di Holy Motors”, Rimediazioni. Immagini interattive, vol. 2, Conference proceedings of the International Association for Visual Semiotics, 2016, pp. 105-117.
- D’Armenio, E., “Il ruolo dei mediatori tecnici nella produzione audiovisiva. Abiti spettatoriali e immaginazione narrativa”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio,Conference proceedings of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Language, 2015, pp. 245-257. URL: http://www.rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/article/view/309
- D’Armenio, E., “Il ruolo degli apparati tecnici nella costruzione del reale: Blow Out di Brian De Palma”, I saggi di Lexia, Conference proceedings of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies, 2015, pp. 459-468.
Conference participations
- D’Armenio, E., « The kinetic thinking of interactive images. Playful and creative diagrams in Zelda : Breath of the Wild » (conférence invitée), International Symposium FACE IT! The New Challenges of Cognitive Visual Semiotics, 27/01/2023, Liège, Belgique. URL : https://ceserh.hypotheses.org/2995
- D’Armenio, E., « I diagrammi ludici della materia digitale. Il caso di Zelda : Breath of the Wild », Semiotica elementale, Congrès de l’Associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici, 03/12/2022, Palermo, Italie.
- D’Armenio, E. et Thiburce, J., « Praxis/Modes d’existence », Redéfinir le sémiotique. Un répertoire actuel de notions clés à la confluence de plusieurs traditions, 21/10/2022, Luxembourg.
- D’Armenio, E., « Controversial identities on Social Media. The clash between speaking the truth and community membership », International Seminar Truth, Transparency and Controversy. Critical Perspectives on Media Ideologies, 24/05/2022, University of Amsterdam.
- D’Armenio, E., “Les diagrammes cinétiques dans les espaces virtuels” (invited conference), Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris Cartographies des relations, expériences de l’espace, 15/12/2021, Paris, France.
- D’Armenio, E., “Les langages de l’image dans l’enseignement : quelques points de repères”, Philosophie et lettres : formes d’enseignement, 26/10/2021, La Valle, Italia.
- D’Armenio, E., “Identity and Social Networks. A Dramaturgy of the Face in Digital Environments”, International conference Semiosis in Communication Culture, Communication and Social Change, Panel “The Meaning Of Artificial Faces” Erc Consolidator Facets, PI Massimo Leone, 29/05/2021, Bucharest.
- D’Armenio, E., “Les technologies du collectif : 2/ Économie de l’influence”, session « Les technologies du collectif » (with Dondero, M.G. and Provenzano, F.), Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris La constitution des collectifs : créativité de groupe, projets participatifs et reconnaissance institutionnelle, 9/01/2019, Paris, France.
- D’Armenio, E., “Du sens aux données. Les prothèses audiovisuelles entre perception et énonciation » (invited conference), 19/11/2018, Liège, Belgique.
- D’Armenio, E., “L’appropriation audiovisuelle entre archive et invention”, Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris L’invention (II) – Les tensions sémiotiques entre créativité et institution, 22/11/2017, Paris, France.
- D’Armenio, E., “Tecnologie della semiosi. Il campo di una retorica intermediale nella produzione audiovisiva”, Il metodo semiotico, Conference of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies, 6-8/10/2017, Cassino, Italie.
- D’Armenio, E., “Le format technique des images: la sémiotique visuelle à la lumière des modes d’existence de Bruno Latour”, Greimas aujourd’hui : l’avenir de la structure, Conference of the French Association for Semiotics, 30/05-2/06/2017, Paris, France.
- D’Armenio, E., “L’analyse statistique de l’archive à la lumière du montage intermédial: les formats techniques des images” (invited conference), Symposium Analyser l’archive visuelle par l’image. Les méthodes qualitative et statistique en contraste, 8-9/12/2016, Liège, Belgique.
- D’Armenio, E., “La finzione tra regimi di credenza e dispositivi di rappresentazione. Alcune considerazioni sul cinema di Ari Folman”, Narrazione e realtà: il senso degli eventi, Conference of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies, 30/09-2/10/2016, Como, Italie.
- D’Armenio, E., “Il formato tecnico tra testo e pratica. Appunti per una retorica intermediale”, Nuove forme d’interazione: dal web al mobile, Conference of the Italian Association fot Semiotic Studies, 25-27/09/2015, Bologna, Italie.
- D’Armenio, E., “Il ruolo degli apparati tecnici nella costruzione del reale: Blow Out di Brian De Palma”, Naturalismi e costruzioni del reale, Conference of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies, 24-26/10/2014, Teramo, Italie.
- D’Armenio, E., “Il ruolo dei mediatori tecnici nella produzione audiovisiva. Abiti spettatoriali e immaginazione narrativa”, A partire da C. S. Peirce nei cento anni dalla morte, Conference of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Language, 2-4/10/2014, Bologna, Italie.
- D’Armenio, E., “L’enunciazione audiovisiva tra pratica scientifica e visualizzazione artistica: il caso di Holy Motors”, Rimediazione. Figurativo e plastico ‘sub specie’ tecnologica, Congrès de l’Association Internationale de Sémiotique Visuelle (AISV), 9-11/09/2014, Urbino, Italie.
Organization of conferences
International Seminar “IMACTIS — Images Today: Archives, Identities, and Algorithms / IMACTIS — Les images aujourd’hui: archives, identités et algorithmes”, organized with Maria Giulia Dondero in the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie project “IMACTIS — Fostering Critical Identities Through Social Media Archival Images”.
- First meeting, Université de Liège, Belgium, 21/09/2021:
Bruno Bachimont (Université de technologie de Compiègne) Vers une épistémologie de l’archive audiovisuelle à l’ère du numérique, ou comment concilier manipulation technique et interprétation sémiotique (ou l’inverse).
Pierluigi Basso Fossali (Université Lyon 2-Lumière) L’image augmentée à l’épreuve du concept de forme symbolique.
- Second session, Université de Liège, Belgium. 19/10/2021:
Anne Beyaert-Geslin (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) Identity, digitalization and algorithmic pressure: looking for singularity.
Rossana De Angelis (Université Paris-Est Créteil) Image, Texte, Textimage: visualités du texte et textualités de l’image.
- Third session, Université de Liège, Belgium, 23/11/2021:
Massimo Leone (Università di Torino) The Digital Square: Teaching Visual Semiotics to Artificial Intelligence.
Harald Klinke (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) Accessing digital culture. Dimensionality reduction and the complexity of art.
- Fourth session, Université de Liège, Belgium, 14/12/2021:
Guillaume Soulez (Université Paris 3) Image actée, image délibérée? Formes et typologie de la délibération des images en régime numérique.
Jeremy Hamers (Université de Liège) Œil pour œil. Analyse de quelques usages du smartphone par les gilets jaunes.
- Fifth session, Université de Liège, Belgium, 18/01/2022:
Ruggero Eugeni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano) Le visage filtré. La réalité augmentée et la nouvelle économie politique de la lumière.
Philippe Marion (Université Catholique de Louvain) Cinéma et numérique: les avatars d’une révolution.
Book translations
- Translation from French to Italian of: M.G. Dondero, Les langages de l’image. De la peinture aux Big Visual Data, Hermann, Paris, 2020 (I linguaggi dell’immagine. Dalla pittura ai Big Visual Data, Meltemi Editore, 2020).