The Project

The aim of IMACTIS is to stimulate European citizens into using social network images in a way so that they maymanage their identities in a critical manner


Collected in this section are the academic papers related to / funded by the research project IMACTIS

Event Calendar

In this section you can learn about the incoming and past events related

A new epistemology of visual documents

This set of papers aims to build a new epistemology of visual documents, articulated across three dimensions: the compositional dimension, which pertains to the figures and forms visualized within images; the mediatic dimension, which concerns the technical formats of images, their materiality, and their substrates; and, finally, the rhetorical dimension…

The semio-rhetoric functioning of
social media

In this series of articles, we propose to understand social networks as semio-rhetorical fields in which the construction and transformation of value follows unprecedented dynamics…